How to hide menu items (reports, dashboard) from the global menu in Optimizely CMS

Reports section is available by default to all users who are members of the WebEditors group as the authorization policy of that MenuItem is set to 

AuthorizationPolicy = CmsPolicyNames.CmsEdit,

So basically Reports section comes always together with the Edit Mode. However, I can imagine that sometimes reports are only useful to only a few specific editors and can be hidden from all others.

Unfortunately it is not possible to configure this anywhere but thanks to Optimizely's great and powerful extensibility it is possible to accomplish that requirement with just a few lines of code:

public class CustomMenuAssembler : MenuAssembler
	private readonly IPrincipalAccessor _principalAccessor;

	public CustomMenuAssembler(IEnumerable<IMenuProvider> menuProviders, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor,
		IPrincipalAccessor principalAccessor) : base(menuProviders, httpContextAccessor)
		_principalAccessor = principalAccessor;

	public override IEnumerable<MenuItem> GetMenuItems(string parentPath, int relativeDepth)
		var menuItems = base.GetMenuItems(parentPath, relativeDepth).ToList();

		if (_principalAccessor.Principal.IsInRole("HasAccessToReportsGroup") == false)
			return menuItems;

		var reportItem =
			menuItems.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Path.Equals("/global/cms/report", StringComparison.Ordinal));

		if (reportItem == null)
			return menuItems;

		// Add user group check here

		return menuItems;

So we create a new MenuAssembler which inherits from the default one and we pass the additional IPrincipalAccessor reference to it.

In my example I created a custom user group called HasAccessToReportsGroup . If an editor does not belong to this group then he/she will not see the Reports menu item.

Last we need to register this custom menu assembler and we need to make sure we do it after the built-in cms initialization modules are finished. Let's add a custom initializable module:

public class DependencyResolverInitialization : IConfigurableModule
	public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
		context.ConfigurationComplete += (_, _) =>
			context.Services.AddSingleton<MenuAssembler, CustomMenuAssembler>();

	public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)


	public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)


The same approach can be used to conditionally hide all other menu items, you just need to change the path.

Please find the list of other paths:

  • /global/cms/report
  • /global/cms/dashboard
  • /global/cms/visitorgroups

Editing enhancements for the EPiServer.Forms package

Together with Greg we created a little, yet powerful add-on that brings enhancements from EPiServer.Labs.BlockEnhancements to EPiServer.Forms based properties.

Editor is now able to edit every form inline, without the need to switch the editing context. Just double click any Form Element to edit its properties. Then use Inline Publish to public the Form Element.

You can install it from here:

The source code is available here:

The addon is MIT licensed. Feel free to use/contribute however you want.

Nice improvement for the Inline Editing feature

I have just pushed a nice little improvement that lets the editor to double-click a block and edit its properties straight away.

No context switching, no context menus or finding the rights commands, just double click an item in the Content Area and you're good to go!

More info here:

v0.4.0 is available here:

How to change the delay between subsequent saves in EPiServer TinyMCE

By default we would save every two seconds (of course only if the content was changed in any way, the save is throttled for 2 seconds by default). 

Unfortunately it is not possible to adjust that value using the fluent server side api.

Hopefully, we can easily change the setting by inheriting the default xhtml descriptor and providing our own value.

[EditorDescriptorRegistration(TargetType = typeof(XhtmlString), 
                              EditorDescriptorBehavior = EditorDescriptorBehavior.OverrideDefault)]
public class CustomXhtmlStringEditorDescriptor : XhtmlStringEditorDescriptor
	public override void ModifyMetadata(ExtendedMetadata metadata, IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes)
		base.ModifyMetadata(metadata, attributes);
		if (!metadata.EditorConfiguration.ContainsKey("dirtyCheckInterval"))
			metadata.EditorConfiguration.Add("dirtyCheckInterval", 3000);

	public CustomXhtmlStringEditorDescriptor(ServiceAccessor<TinyMceConfiguration> tinyMceConfiguration) 
	           : base(tinyMceConfiguration)


How to support a locale with a specific regioncode, for example en-gb, en-nz or en-au

Apparently dojo has issues with their localization modules that makes it impossible to determine the correct culture info when you have two languages from the same locale registered at the same time. 

For example if your editors are from let's say New Zealand the because of this dojo bug the language formatting would always fallback to the _ROOT_ nls for them (which is "en" in this case).

It's a very annoying issue as for example number and datetime formatting are different for English editors from US and from GB/NZ/AU.

One could try to solve it by changing the globalization of the whole site or by turning languages in admin mode on and off but in fact the Edit Mode is the only place where we need the change to be visible in.

If you add this simple initializable module to your site it would just affect dojo i18n module without touching the runtime.

using System;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;
using EPiServer.Shell.UI;
namespace AlloyMvcTemplates
    internal class DateFormatModifier : IInitializableModule
        private void DojoConfigOnSerializing(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            var config = (DojoConfig) sender;
            if (config.Locale.StartsWith("en"))
                config.Locale = "en-gb";
        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
            DojoConfig.Serializing += DojoConfigOnSerializing;
        public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
            DojoConfig.Serializing -= DojoConfigOnSerializing;

The example above will make sure that all your English editors will always use the "en-gb" language tag so for example date/times would no longer be en-us formatted (default English formatting).

You won't have to change anything about the available locales in the My Settings screen, users can just select English and it would automatically use en-gb instead of the default en-us.


If you use the Forms addon then you will also have to do a little trick as the dgrid datetime formatter is set to a fixed pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd'

In order to change it please add the following module:

], function (
) {
    return declare([], {
        initialize: function () {
            Formatters.dateTimeFormatter = function (value) {
                return locale.format(new Date(value), { datePattern: "dd-MM-yyyy", timePattern: "HH:mm:ss" });

And register it in your module.config

<clientModule initializer="alloy/formatters-initializer">
	<add dependency="EPiServer.Forms.UI" type="RunAfter" />

That way you will also get a custom date formatting in the "Form submisstions" dgrid: