Editing enhancements for the EPiServer.Forms package

Together with Greg we created a little, yet powerful add-on that brings enhancements from EPiServer.Labs.BlockEnhancements to EPiServer.Forms based properties.

Editor is now able to edit every form inline, without the need to switch the editing context. Just double click any Form Element to edit its properties. Then use Inline Publish to public the Form Element.

You can install it from here:


The source code is available here:


The addon is MIT licensed. Feel free to use/contribute however you want.

Nice improvement for the Inline Editing feature

I have just pushed a nice little improvement that lets the editor to double-click a block and edit its properties straight away.

No context switching, no context menus or finding the rights commands, just double click an item in the Content Area and you're good to go!

More info here:


v0.4.0 is available here:
